June 25, 2009

20 Weeks Old Today!!!

( Not a great shot, he was still hunched up a bit after doing his business)
(I can't figure out how to rotate the picture. Sorry!) Look how wide his stripe is getting!

The 3rd picture is his imitation of Hobbs (from Calvin & Hobbs). How can he sleep like that?? Is that a Yoga Move??

WOW! Kaiser is 5 months old today! It seems like just yesterday that I crammed him into a carrier too small for him and drove home with him howling all the way. He fit into the carrier, he just didn't have much room. I didn't expect him to be so big at 8 weeks! Now I look at that little pet taxi next to him and just shake my head with my mouth hanging open.

I tried to get a few pictures of Kaiser in the back yard, but it was stinkin' HOT! Look at the grass already brown and dried up. Kaiser and I didn't stay outside very long. Enjoy the few pictures we got!