April 30, 2009

Almost as big as Autumn!

Here's a great picture to show how much Kaiser has grown! Next to him is Autumn, our alpha lab/chow/? mix we adopted from certain death about 8 years ago. Yeah, we know she's overweight. She's lost weight since we put her on a diet about the same time Kaiser came to live with us. Autumn weighs 78 pounds now. At her heaviest she was 85 pounds! We got her on a great lower calorie food and she likes it. We have to be careful about activity because her left knee is very arthritic.

12 Wks Old Today! 32.3 lbs 17.5" Tall!

Kaiser went to visit the vets office today for his weekly weigh-in. It's great how the front desk people know him on sight and run over with doggy cookies! Kaiser loves the attention. He gets on the scale with just the words "climb up" and sometimes a leash tug.

I can't believe how big he's getting! He weighed 32.3 lbs and we measured him 17.5" at the shoulder while standing. What a big, happy boy he is! When the rain stopped I took some pictures outside with all the dogs. Here's some you might enjoy!

April 27, 2009

Kaiser the Great!

Here's Kaiser 3 days short of his 12 Wk. He weighed 30.8 lbs when he got his boosters at the vets.

Today Kaiser went in for boosters. We were waiting in the lobby where he was playing with a cute, bouncy little American Bulldog. I guess their play upset an older yellow lab across the lobby and the lab broke his sit and charged toward us, yanking the leash out of his owner's hand. The puppies were right at my feet and the Am Bulldog dived under my chair and Kaiser turned sideways in front of me, lowered his head and did what sounded like a growly moo. The lab stopped and the owner got his leash. It took me a second but I stepped between Kaiser and the lab, facing the lab. Kaiser laid down right away behind my legs.What an awesome pup I have! He reacted before I could blink!
Awww! I'm trying to come up with Kaiser's formal name and I asked Kaiser's breeder to tell me what she remembered about Kaiser when he was a puppy. Here's what she had to say:

"He was a sweet puppy. I noticed that he would sleep a lot with Batman when they were very tiny puppies. It seemed as though they had a special bond. As they got older and Batman needed company & comfort, I would get Orange boy to sleep & play with him. Kaiser was the oldest & I think it seemed as though he was like the big brother being sweet & taking care of the rest.I don't know if that helps with a name. I'm not very creative in that department, but that's one of the special things I remember when he was little. "The nice guy always willing to help"

Batman was the last to be born and he had special needs. The breeder had to tube feed him every few hours and keep him warm and hydrated. Batman is a spunky puppy now and full of life! When I get pictures of all of Kaiser's siblings I'll post them here.